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Course type
Select the type of course you wish to book :
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Private lessons
Please fill in the information below :
Course type

Select the days on which you would like to have lessons, as well as the timetable. (Classes will not start until the following week). Contact us for flexible schedules. If you have several children, contact us for a preferential rate.

You need to select an item to continue
Children's courses
Select the type of course you wish to book :
You need to select an item to continue
Adult courses
Select the type of course you wish to book :
You need to select an item to continue
Group courses
Please fill in the information below :
Course type

Select the days on which you would like to have lessons, as well as the timetable. (Classes will not start until the following week). Contact us for flexible schedules. If you have several children, contact us for a preferential rate.

You need to select an item to continue
Private lessons
Please fill in the information below :
Course type

Select the days on which you would like to have lessons, as well as the timetable. (Classes will not start until the following week). Contact us for flexible schedules.

You need to select an item to continue
Group courses
Please fill in the information below :
Course type

Select the days on which you would like to have lessons, as well as the timetable. (Classes will not start until the following week). Contact us for flexible schedules.

You need to select an item to continue
Order summary

Subscription price


Student information :

Order summary

Description Quantity Price
Discount :
Total per week :€0.00/week

C.G.V. available here : https://voyelia.com/fr/cgv/

C.G.U. available here : https://voyelia.com/fr/c-g-u/

Legal information available here : https://voyelia.com/en/terms-conditions/


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